Physical Therapy and Movement
Partnering with UFC trainer Coach Kevin Kearns, Ryan Zaffino, and Dr. Michael Overstreet at Kaiser Physical therapy I want to offer clients the ability to follow the mind body approach to mental health. As an active person and a therapist, I understand that these two important elements to healthy living are very much integrated.
Coach Kevin Kearns, Online Training based out of Rhode Island/New England
Coach Kevin Kearns
Coach Kearns has worked with UFC fighters such as Marcus Davis and Patrick Cote to name a few. He is someone who traveled in the same circles as I did back in the dark ages of the sport. Kevin has a great approach to training combining mental health and physical training offering an online platform for folks with busy schedules. I wholeheartedly recommend his methods as I have had an extremely positive experience training with him myself. Kevin is one of the most recognizable figures in the sport when it comes to fighter strength and conditioning. He has been professionally involved with training for over 20 years. You do not need to be a fighter to train with Coach Kearns as his approach to helping people is based on inclusion.
Dr. Michael Overstreet at Kaiser.
Dr. Michael Overstreet DPT
Michael Overstreet was inspired to pursue physical therapy as a career after spending some time as a PT aide in an outpatient, orthopedic clinic. He saw firsthand how much the physical therapists enjoyed their work and was amazed as he watched people recover from injuries with their care and expertise. He began his training and ultimately achieved an Academic Excellence Award from Chapman University when he graduated from their Doctor of Physical Therapy program. A member of the American Physical Therapy Association, he has experience working in orthopedic outpatients, sports rehabilitation, neurology and acute care. When he is not working he enjoys his family. He has been happily married for three years and has a baby girl. His hobbies include surfing and playing the ukulele. He also finds time to give back to his community and support local charitable efforts.
Ryan Zaffino, Trainer, Pasadena CA
Ryan Zaffino, Trainer
Having competed in sports his entire life, Ryan understands how to coach and motivate based on the key principles of human performance. Ryan strives to give people the confidence and ability to supersede daily exercise, and life, challenges. His approach is not only physical, but also mental, and nutritional – to allow people to realize and actualize their best self through fitness. If you are committed to success, Ryan will help you achieve it. Ryan is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist, Precision Nutrition Coach, CrossFit level 2 Trainer, USA Weightlifting Club Coach, and then some. Ryan’s diverse experience has allowed him to train people from: couch to 5k, Ironman competitors, CrossFit Games, youth athletes, to people just beginning their fitness journey.
To book and appointment please contact him directly at: (708) 285-0006